Tuesday, March 27, 2012

In My Defense

I have come to accept that it takes me a VERY long time to “get over” a relationship.  I sometimes wish that it was not the case.  But having once been someone who was so far removed from my feelings, I am actually glad that I feel deeply (most days).  I love deeply so I feel loss deeply.  It is who I am and I have certainly accepted that. 

Side Note:  I think most people in fact a long time to truly heal from a broken relationship but few take the time to do so.  An analogy of this is people who take cold medicine.  It is rather than suffering through the cold and allowing our immune system to become strong and develop the antibodies, we take medicine so we don’t have to feel our symptoms and to shorten the process.  That is not so good for our bodies and I think jumping into a new relationship with open wounds is not good for our hearts (or the person we are involving ourselves with).

Sorry.  I just feel strongly about that.  Anywho.  I wanted to say that while I may take ions to get over a relationship, I do not sit around moping, blogging, and saying nondescript sad things on facebook.  In fact, it motivates me.  I have been suffering loss and healing for the last 5 months and in that time I have gotten fit (lost 6 pounds), read about 10 books or so, applied for and got into law school, and implemented a new lifestyle to help me get over my chronic recurrent mono (which I will blog more on later).  Let’s be honest, for a girl who is tired the majority of every day and living with a broken (but mending) heart, that is not such a bad 5 months.  Imagine what I am capable of when I am healthy and whole hearted. 

 I’ve got the music in me. :)

1 comment:

  1. You make me so proud! Can't wait for the adventures to come!
