Monday, March 19, 2012

I Got In!!!

     I got in to law school! 

     I was having a terrible week because I was so sick and frustrated with this neverending case of chronic mono and several other frustrations that I have with my life at the moment.  When I got home on Friday after a lovely sushi date with my good friend, I got my acceptance letter from Gonzaga!  At first, the only thing that hit me was relif that I didn't have to deal with one more rejection letter (I also got rejected earlier last week by UW). 

     On Saturday, I went to my parents' house and was telling them my good news, I showed them my aceptance letter and began reading the other documents that came with it when I suddenly realized I had been offered a $13,000.00 Dean's Academic Scholarship!  I think it is only now beginning to sink in that I may be going "off" to law school and not just taking classes around here.  Nothing is decided though, I still have 4 schools to hear from.  But a little good news (or even just non-bad news) is a nice change. :)


  1. SUPER happy for you!

  2. Look at you leaving messages on blogs! lol. Thanks Kate!

  3. I couldn't be more proud!! Yeah for great things happening for you sister!
