Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Hope has been a common topic in my conversations lately and I have been feeling like maybe I should spend some time grasping at what it means. Here are a few definitions I found on Dictionary.com: "the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best" "a person or thing in which expectations are centered" "to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence" " to believe, desire, or trust" Then I read Wikipedia on Hope, which while interesting, made me think more about the "wiki" in wikipedia. Truth is, hope seems a bit dangerous and if nothing else, it has become unfamiliar territory to most. Even Obama changed his campaign slogan because Hope didn't seem to win him many votes. What is hope and why is it so important? And why does it keep coming up in my life lately? These are a few of the images that came up when I google seearched hope (which I would not suggest as apparently there are a lot of naughty girls named Hope out there.) The pictures spoke to me a little more than the words. The first picture tells me that hope is believing that life lost can be regained. It expresses the reality that the hard times of fruitlessness do not always mean you are a bad tree, sometimes it just means you are a tree. The fruit will come when it is suppoed to. The second image is wordplay, but encouraging wordplay. : ) I have no answers really just some ideas. I am just jotting down some encouraging thoughts that at least helped me get through this day. Maybe there is something new to learn tomorrow.


  1. I like your tree picture and the naughty girl comment made me laugh :-)

    love you sister!

  2. same two comments as Kim. And that you called hope 'dangerous' ;) I also love that hand pick! Love you sis. And love that you never quit.
