Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More Thoughts on Hope

Yesterday I was thinking about hope again. I have been pondering the meaning and the value of hope for a few weeks now. Yesterday I was realizing that hope is a word that implies there is something better. Someone without hope is someone who believes things will never get better. A person with hope believes in the possibility for better.

I have been faced with some loved ones from my past lately and found that sometimes the state of people’s lives seem to represent the law of entropy. Their lives are in a constant state of decay. It has been hard for me to see. When I look around and see people (whom I love) that are more and more unhappy all the time, it breaks my heart. So, where does hope play in all this? Is it fair or wise to believe that life will get better for me when others are suffering so much? Right now, hope to me is this, that God works all things out for the good of those who love him. It is believing that while I am a master at messing my life up and making irreversible mistakes, God can change me. Hope to me is that the quiet voice inside me reminds me to stop worrying about my petty problems and love the person crying out. In summary, I can be changed, and I can make a change in the lives of others. That is what hope means to me today.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sis, and encouraging. Love you. And life holds MANY more wonderful things for you, and for those you love. :)
