Monday, April 11, 2011

Just Thoughts

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

So I long to be seen by those eyes

that see beauty when they see me.

Sadness won't last forever.

So I feel it all now in hopes that

I will feel the beauty as overwhleming as I felt the darkness.

Forever is a really long time.

I am so afraid of forever

but forever is a really long time to be afraid.

Who I once was, I am no longer

Did you love the one I was?

Can you love who I've become?

Will you love the one I'll be?

I rarely pretend to be somthing I am not for fear that you will be disappointed in the truth of me. But if you can see past the worst of me, you might find that there is good in me. If you can find that, please remind me that it's there. No matter how strong a woman is, leaving her will always break her heart. But if to leave you must, then just go. Do not betray her by trying to pick up the pieces for her as you are walking away.

To be alone is not scary to me, but to be without you makes me sad. I can live without you, I would just rather live with you.

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