Monday, January 30, 2012

Penny for Your Thoughts, Piano for Your Dreams

Today my boss was asking about whether I got my law school applications done.  I told him that I was waiting for one more Letter of Recommendation to be received but I hope to submit them tomorrow.  He said to me, “How about thinking this thought:  You could go to law school and just like I said in my letter, you would really benefit society.  I meant that, you would really make a difference.  You are just a really great person.  OR..OR (repeated for emphasis) you could save yourself all that stress and all that debt and just take up an instrument, because it is really about being happy and playing the piano really will make you happy.  And I can even buy you the instrument if you want!  You can stay working here, and you can start playing the piano.  I think that’s what you should do.  What do you think of that?” (not word for word as my memory is not that great but I got all the good stuff in there. : ) 

If I may be so bold as to simplify that interesting conversation, I think my boss offered me a piano in return for giving up my dreams.  ?  He never ceases to astound me.  Nonetheless, I am flattered that at the root of that strange proposition is a desire to keep me here and not lose me as an employee.  J  That is nice.


  1. This whole post is incredible (I pictured his face, especially at the "Or, OR" moment), but this title is AMAZING!

  2. Why thank you. I have made a conscious effort in the last few months to focus on more interesting titles. At least I am glad there is some improvement.
