Monday, August 8, 2011

The List

So last week I was remembering the “white trash” party that Esther, Katrina and I had.  Esther and I have created a tradition of giving each other a book suggestion on a card and detailing either why we loved or why we think the other would love it.  It is just a fun thing we do. 

So Katrina and Esther and I exchanged our little notes and when I asked her about a book I had given her before and she replied “it’s on the list.”  Now I know having a list of books to read is not original by any means but I have not had a list like this since before college I think.  So I was reflecting on the party and concluding that I should start keeping a list again instead of just ransacking Little Sister’s room and asking to borrow whatever looks interesting.   

Today, Little Sister came to me around lunch time and informed me that we should take a walk and that I should get a library card since I work across the street from a beautiful library that I have never even entered.  Brilliant!  Why didn’t I think of that?  Lol.  I think it is so funny when these little things happen in life.  I just seem to get pushed into certain directions that I always wanted to go but never bothered to look for.  So I am now the proud owner of a Seattle Public Library card and I have 5 books on the list. J  Feel free to give suggestions if you any books that you just loved.  (If you leave a Jane Austin suggestion I will delete it or scold you.) 

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