Monday, July 25, 2011

Things I Learned This Weekend

1. Though I am 28, I can still be escorted to the front of the line and not pay cover.  This is when most people say, “I still got it.”  I, however, never had it and still don’t have it. What I have are extremely attractive friends. : )
2. Only eating fruits and vegetables for three weeks = 0 alcohol tolerance (learned the hard way).
3. If you break up with someone over the phone to avoid seeing them ever again, it is quite possible that you COULD, in fact, see them again only days after a really painful breakup and they COULD, in fact, tell all their friends (and yours) about it and make you feel quite bad for about an hour. 
4. I am no longer cool or in the music scene.  Instead, I am cranky around crowds and not that excited about many of the newer bands.
5. I love my pool.
6. Curry has no dairy or wheat (favorite lesson).
7.  Cleaning my car and cleaning my house does not actually make the heartbreak go away (least favorite lesson).
8. Sleep does cause it to subside momentarily.
9. Cheney was the youngest to be selected as Secretary of Defense by George H.W. Bush (probably the only lesson that is not entirely self involved).
10. Macguyver’s first name was Angus (Thank you 80’s trivia night).

1 comment:

  1. 1. You so have it.

    2. Yikes, this sounds disasterous.

    3. Seriously? So sorry you had to endure that sister :-(

    6. I have a coconut basil chicken curry recipe you would love. Come, I make it for you :-)

    7. Only time can heal.

    10. Wha?? You're attending 80's trivia night?! Don't tell Jason, he will try to come!
