Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Need a Hero

     So I am just sitting here waiting for the mailman to come (as I have now been doing for the past 3 hours) so that I can beg him to be my hero. 

     Today I filled out my confirmation card, wrote the check, put a stamp on the envelope and brought it downstairs to the building mailbox.  As I dropped the card I thought to myself "I wonder if I should have put more postage on that?"  So I ran back up looked online and found that square envelopes DO, in fact, require more postage simply because they are square.  So what is so great about that is that if I wait for it to come back to me and resend it, I will no longer have a seat in law school.  Yup, perfect.  So I have been waiting by the mailbox for the mailman to come so I can beg him to let me add a stamp to one letter among thousands (which I will have to find) so that I do not kiss my future goodbye. 
     It is moments like these that I think to myself "Are you sure you can do this?  Cause you can't even send mail!"  These moments are the exact reason I can't sleep well at night and my hair is falling out of my head.  So if you happen to read this before the mailman comes, I could use a little prayer at the moment.  Thanks


  1. Sis, why don't you call and request another card to send?

  2. Oh my word I was laughing so hard that brought tears to my eyes. I even read it out loud to Jason, hilarious.
