Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I know many of you fuddy duddies out there think "hustlin'" applies only to selling illegal substances.  However, being the hoodlum that I am, I happen to know that it is also used with a more broad meaning that implies, "doing whatever it takes to keep a roof over your head and food on the table."  Now that I have mande that necessary distinction, I blog.

If you have reading my blog before or had a conversation with me at all in the last month, you know that I am a bit anxious over my financial state in getting to law school this August.  I decided on Friday that the weekend was going to be set aside for alone time.  I needed to make practical plans to achieve my goals and I needed to have a heart-to-heart with myself about my anxiety.  I don't want to go to law school bald.  I have some vanity. :)

So I did exactly that.  I made practical plans of exactly how much I can save, how much I need to raise/earn and I came up with a list of very practical ways to achieve both.  I am also happy to report that I have only lost a minimal amount of hair in the shower this week.  I am feeling hopeful.  In fact, I am positive I can do this.  I do however still need the love and support of my friends and family.  Any opportunity to earn money would be appreciated.  I can mow lawns, weed, clean, organize, file, babysit, do laundry and many other things.  Any opportunities for evening/weekend work would be so appreciated. 

1 comment:

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