Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fight or Flight

Fight or flight?  Normally, I lean toward fight.  (Except in relationships)  But I have never in my life wanted to quit my job, sell my things and just make a new life somewhere (anywhere) like I do right now.  I don’t know what it is but I feel tied down and trapped this week and I just want all of it to disappear.  I feel like a little girl who closes her eyes trying to get away from reality…”dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far far away…”  I don’t really know why.  On my ride in today I was daydreaming about it and wondering if it was normal to have a midlife crisis at 29? 

I should stop my whining; things in my life are fine.  I finally have a job that pays the bills.  I have cheap rent and nice roommates.  My family has not yet disowned me (I know, I am on borrowed time there).   I sure hope this vacation to Nashville/Florida cures me because I am one bad day away from quitting my job and becoming a penniless traveler that may end up anywhere. 

1 comment:

  1. I know this feeling, well. Enjoy your vacation, and in the meantime, enjoy your daydreams. ;)
