Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Religious Propaganda

*****Be warned there is a visually upsetting picture is below*****

Christians burnt alive by Sunni Muslims in NIGERIA........PLEASE SHARE IT OR JUS...T UPLOAD YOUR OWN...BUT SOMEHOW SPREAD IT IF YOU'RE EVEN 1% CHRISTIAN — It is still not over yet!

Let us pray for them.

'Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those Christians burnt alive by Sunni Muslims in NIGERIA and those Sunni Muslims who are doing this now too.'

'For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the Christians burnt alive by Sunni Muslims in NIGERIA and those Sunni Muslims who are doing this now too.'

'Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the Christians burnt alive by Sunni Muslims in NIGERIA' and those Sunni Muslims who are doing this now too."
The truth is that there was an oil truck and peolp were attempting to collect fuel from the wreckage.  Somehow the oil caught on fire and about 400 people died in the fire (117 were Christians).  You can see the story here:

This story is truly tragic.  So why in the world would someone feel the need to make up some nonsense about the Muslims killing Christians in this brutal way?  I mean they are incorporating lies and hate into a prayer! That made me more sick than when I believed for a minute that this might be true. facilitating propaganda.  Do a little research. Think a little deeper.

When I searched the story myself, I did not find the exact story this blog is referencing.  I did find, however, that there have been several oil trucks that have burst into flames and killed local Nigerians in the last 5 or so years.  I also found that they are owned by Shell.  Shell initially claimed that someone blew them up but later admitted that these trucks were faulty and Shell was, in fact, to blame for the fires (and the lost lives of poverty stricken people who are getting no wealth from the oil that their land is being depleted of).  There was a lawsuit started back in 2009 for this exact  issue but if this story is true, Shell clearly does not give a $#!t about preventing these fires or the deaths of innocent people.  Maybe that is more important to focus on than made up religious wars.  Just sayin.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously people post random shit all the time on FB and it drives me truly crazy! What the crap people?! Research it first! I also saw this image on FB and was like, wha?? Then I looked it up and found that it was also a false Christian burning story. Good Lord people, wake the crap up!
