Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It is such a funny thing how people can come into your life from the strangest places and situations to become some of the greatest of friends. One thing I certainly cannot complain about in my life is for a lack of quality people. I have been blessed with more amazing relationships than most people experience in a lifetime.

Recently I have been in contact again with a dear friend and old boss of mine. It had been a couple years since I had heard from her. She went through a very difficult and dark period in her life. This morning we were texting and I was just struck by her amazing strength and positivity. For someone who has been through a hell most of us would shiver at the thought of, she was so positive. She was encouraging me and reminding me that I have to let go of my regrets.

It really got me thinking about just how blessed I am to have such a well rounded circle of amazing people in my life. And it made me giggle just where these unexpected treasures can be found; a boss, a co-worker, a felon, an ex-boyfriend’s sister, an ex-drug addict, an ex-boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend, a customer, or someone who drew pictures of blowing you up in the space needle when you were adolescents (all true stories in my life). Lol. Never underestimate people. Amazing things lie in unexpected places! I am so grateful for each and every one of them. They have kept me grounded at times, lifted me up at times, listened to my ranting and raving, reminded me of who I am, told me the truth when it hurt to hear and loved me through it all. I am just so grateful for the people in my life and if I could give one encouragement to whoever may be reading this, look for the special and unique qualities in others, because they can add so much value to your life.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I am sorry, but I just kept laughing thinking how true all this really is... and how fun you've made our family holidays thanks to it. ;) lol. Love you sis, and love how you find the treasures.
