Sunday, January 2, 2011


I have been wanting to make some intentional decisions about 2011. I don't care much for the term "New Years Resolutions" because not only do those rarely get kept but also because I have found in my life that when you make decisions about what you want in life, God tends to be faithful to bring the opportunities for change and growth without you even realizing. It is more about hope than it is about me and my decisions to change.

I want to let go of the past. I have been through a lot in the area of relationships and I have suffered some deep betrayals. I have a long journey ahead of me in the areas of wanting to open my heart again and learning to trust. I don't think it will do anybody any good if I wait around for the "perfect man" to come along and help me heal. I think I have to face some demons and let God heal those places of my heart that nobody else understand. So this year I want a clean start for my heart.

This year I want to be more faithful with my money. I have struggled financially for several years now for one reason or another. I have a good job but I also have a lot of expenses. I want to learn to budget, I pray that God will provide for my needs, and I really want to pay off my credit cards by the end of this year.

I want to be more healthy this year. this is the area of conscious decisions. I want to exercise more, drink more water, run again and rest as much as my body tells me it needs me to.

Finally, this year, I want to apply for law school again (and God willing get in!). It is a long, hard process and a little overwhelming when you are working 40-50 hours a week at a job that really requires my all but I will grow stagnant if I am not making strides in the direction of my dreams. And I turn into a very unhappy, unpleasant person when I get stagnant. : )

So there it is. My hopes, dreams and decisions for 2011. Lord I pray to you over these desires of my heart. I pray your blessing over them and I think your faithfulness to me in my life. You have always been faithful to me and I pray that you teach me this year how to be more faithful to you.

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