Wednesday, February 22, 2012

One of a Kind

          Wives don’t like me.  Even saying that has an implication I hate.  It starts with saying “I only had guy friends growing up.”  That is usually something that comes out of some hot girl’s mouth who needs constant male attention and acts like she is thinks she is just one of the guys.  I sure hope that does not apply to me.  I really only have to say that I grew up with a lot of guy friends because I literally grew up with a lot of guys.  The only there were only a couple girls that were my age that came and left throughout my childhood/adolescence.  In high school, there were two of us.  The other one looked like a young Evangeline Lilly and I looked like a 12 year old boy with a main of long hair that looked strangely similar to Weird Al’s.  I was not the girl that all the boys were my friends but they were secretly all in love with me.  Believe me when I tell you, they were all just my friends.  And even when I grew up and got curves, I have never crossed the friend line with any of my friends.  Never.

What is strange is that growing up, we were encouraged to treat our friends how we would if their wives/husbands were hanging out with us.  And I did!  I never did anything to disrespect anyone’s wife before I even met them.  That said, I literally get treated like I have the scarlet letter branded on my forehead by most wives.  It makes me uncomfortable and ultimately almost all of my relationships have ended because of this little dilemma.

So why in the world do these wives dislike me?  Some people have said it is their own insecurities, some have said it is a lack of trust for their own husband, others have said it is because I know apart of their husband that they were not apart of, and still others have told me I am just intimidating.  I am not going to make any of those judgment calls because I really don’t know why it is.  It is sad.  I really believe that I did nothing to deserve it.  Maybe all my relationships will magically be restored when I get married and am no longer some sort of “threat.”  But that is impossible because I can’t be friends with people like that.  It makes me kind of sick. 

I did find one of a kind though. Ashley Barnett is freakin amazing.  She is the only wife of any of my childhood friends who really gave me a chance and took the time to get to know me and I absolutely adore her.  I am really excited whenever I get to spend time with her.  I love her as an individual and my love for her is compounded by the fact that she didn’t take away my friend.  I really love them both and they have both been such good friends to me in the last 3 or 4 years (well James has always been such a great friend to me).  So I thank you both, to James for always being such a wonderful friend and to Ashley for treating me like I matter and wanting to be my friend!  I love you both.

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