Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Holy Valentine's Day, Batman!

I think that couples who make a big deal out of Valentine's Day are really just setting themselves up for the makeup after the fight.  It is a silly holiday that actually means nothing except “hooray I am not alone!”  It is a pointless holiday.  It is not celebrating anything.  One might argue, “It is to celebrate our love!”  To that I say, “Don’t argue with me dumbass.”   Haha.  That was just for fun.  I think the real celebration of your love is your anniversary and the real celebration of your partner is their birthday.  Therefore, it is the celebration of red hearts and chocolate.   

I also think single people who make a huge deal about how depressing Valentine’s Day is are very annoying.  Whining about the fact that on this day it suddenly matters that you have been unable to make a relationship work is silly.  Wanting to be in a relationship for a greeting card and flowers is silly. 

Since I mock both sides of the spectrum in my mind (and now my blog), I am desperately trying to deny the existence Valentine’s Day so that I don’t feel anything about it. J  Anyone want to take a guess at how easy that is when you live with two couples and your boss actually decorates the entire office with red feathered hearts and I love you signs?  If one more person asks me what they should get their significant other for Valentine's Day, I am going to start throwin’ punches.  It is everywhere!

I think I am going to put my own spin on Valentine’s Day.  It is going to be like a mix of holidays.  Since most other holidays are celebrated in honor of the dead (who died honorably), I am going to make Valentine's Day a celebration those who died for the one they loved.  I don’t mean Romeo and Juliet (stupid kids with their raging hormones) I mean men and women who lived their whole lives for (and with) the one they loved or died for (or with) the one they loved. 

There, doesn’t that feel better?  I thought so.  You’re welcome.


  1. This entire post is a favorite - ALL FAVORITE. Never done that before. Yep. You know, being single hasn't stopped me from planning sweet, romantic dates, no-sir-ee, I'm just helping my guy friends plan theirs. :)

    PS, I actually like that idea - but I think Romeo & Juliet should be included. That book is sad. Star-crossed lovers. Frick.

  2. Well thanks sis. I will try to man up and help plan the festivities.
