Friday, February 10, 2012

Bum Bum

     I think I am on week 13 of working out in the mornings with my roommate and I am loving it.  Of course, getting up at 5:15 is always rough, especially if I stayed up past 9:30 the night before but I am pretty used to early mornings.  We did the Spartacus circuit training for 12 weeks.  At about 6 weeks, we started focusing on trying to eat a healthy, balanced diet as well as limiting our calories.  I have lost 6 pounds, I have noticed changes in my body, and my energy level is better.  I am pretty happy with my progress. 

     That said, I had a great workout this morning.  My drip coffee tasted great, I put on my most comfortable pair of jeans and read 25 pages on the bus.  No traffic meant I got here at 8:00 am.  All in all it was a great morning.  Then I got to work and the law of entropy was employed.  TGIF

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