Tuesday, September 25, 2012


  I don't know if there is anyone out there who knows this about me, but I HATE RACISM.  I hate that our American history is the definition of cruelty and genocide.  I hate that America's success is intertwined with suffering and exploitation of African Americans and Native Americans.  I hate that people today refuse to look around them and see just how current the issue of racism is in our society.  I hate that people don't want to take the time to listen to the other side of the story.  I hate that people think racist jokes are funny.  I hate that the only way people believe cruelty and racism still exist is if they see a video and even still America wants to believe that it is the exception to the rule and not the rule.  I hate that a high school boy in a hooded sweatshirt on his way home from the corner market for iced tea for himself and skittles for his step brother can be shot because racial profiling is so widely accepted and has been for so long.  I hate that my friend crosses the street if he sees a lady walking alone because he knows how afraid she is of him.  I hate that people a symptom and call it the disease instead of spending a little time and hard work to find the true cause of the disease.  I hate that I see people I love hurt every day by an America who refuses to acknowledge anything is wrong.  

   I apologize for my rant.  Actually, no I don't.  It's just that the more I learn the more heartsick I become to find how racism is still so alive and well.  I just learned about the sterilization practices on non-consenting patients being targeted particularly at Hispanic and Black minorities as well as the "mentally deficient" in the last 100 years.  The statistics made me sick to my stomach.  And yet we are so self righteous in condemning the Nazis.  If you are even now justifying these practices because of your own racist mindsets or denying that there is a problem, congratulations, you are what's wrong with  the world today.  

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