Thursday, March 17, 2011

Who am I

I have been thinking a lot lately about how we as people relate to ourselves and define ourselves. More specifically, how we can look back at certain times of our lives and say things like "I am not who I was". Sometimes it is because we have changed and grown and become more of the person we want to be. Often times, it is because life's trials have broken us and have left deep scars. Even more often, it is a little of both. I have never wanted to be someone who had regrets or made mistakes. But to quote a great movie, "Well you're in the wrong species love. You should have been a dog."
On one hand I have fought to become who I am. On the other hand, I have let life break my heart, discourage me and harden me without a fight. It is in the midst of pain that I have changed the most, for better and for worse. i just don't want to look back and regret that I am not who I was. I can look back and wish I was skinny or wish I had no wrinkles and perky boobs but who I really am, I want that to be someone I am more proud of every day. I want to own my identity. I want to look back and say that I am so glad those things have changed and theat I am so glad God brought me through that or healed that. LEt that be true of me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired

Last week I woke up with swollen, painful, infected tonsils and glands. I figured I must have gotten strep throat. So I went to the doctor to get a prescription in order to recover as quickly as possible so my loving boss would not have an axiety attack. I went to the doctor and after waiting 3 1/2 hours to be seen, they said I have all the symptoms of strep but the test came back negative. They said it is most likely a chronic flare up of mono. F*&$*$()#*$&(*!!!!! Anyone who knows me knows that this has been something I have been struggling with four about 6 years now. I try to take care of myself. I make sure I get 8 hours of sleep every night, and I take vitamins to maintain my health but the mono is always active in my system.

The last couple months I have had some pain and discomfort in my stomach and I didn't know what was causing it but now it makes sense, one of the symptoms of a chronic flare up of mono is an enlarged liver and an enlarged spleen. Awesome. So I am going to try going to bed at 8 every night for a while and not work overtime (if possible). I am going to eat fruits, vegetables, and drink a lot of water and tea. I think the most frustrating thing is that I was training for the St. Patrick's Day run (which I was in bed for) and I was trying so hard to get back in shape in spite of my back and neck pain. Fail.

I really just want this to go away. I don't have 6 months to lay in bed and do nothing to make it go away but I really don't just want to live my life with it anymore. I WANT MY LIFE BACK! I want to have energy to do fun things with friends after work. I want the energy to go hike on the weekends. I want to be able to exercise without having to take multiple advils and an ice pack to bed with me. UGGH!! I am so tired of feeling this way. I want to live!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


It was brought to my attention that my settings did not allow people to comment unless they were "registered users", whatever that means. I have changed my settings. Comment away!

Friday, March 4, 2011


I am finding that while I have the ability to communicate my thoughts clearly, I am really bad at communicating...still. My whole life, I have clammed up when in emotional situations. If I get frustrated, angry, hurt, or any other deep emotion, I suddenly cannot speak. I have never been able to overcome this issue. Days later, when I am no longer in the heat of the moment, I can formulate my thoughts and explain exactly what I think or feel on the situation, but never in the moment. On one occasion, when I was in Master's Commission, I received 8 hours of Monday club from my house parents (this was after weeks of Monday club from my house parents). To add insult to injury, when they asked my plans for the weekend and I told them I had Monday club all day on Monday, they asked me why I had Monday club. I told them they gave it to me. It turns out they didn't realize "needs improvement" meant I got Monday club, they just felt we can always improve. I was so frustrated and I told my intern and she told me I still had to serve to teach me that I need to learn to communicate. Well guess what...apparently I never did. Now, I am finding the problem is much worse in relationships. I never communicate what I am thinking or feeling or even respond when someone else is communicating their feelings and thoughts. It is a problem. I just can't seem to fix it. I have a horoscope taped to my monitor that my coworker printed out for me (she prints them out for us every week. lol) that says "If you've been lazy about articulating your meaning or needs, then please activate your deeper intelligence." I just don't know how to overcome this. Why am I so afraid to speak? Any words of wisdom out there on how to beat this?