Monday, November 22, 2010

Things I Never Want to Hear Again

"I was the lucky one to have you." "I made a mistake." "I should never have pushed you away." "I am just not ready YET." "You are the one I want to marry, I am just not ready for you." "I still want to be friends." which is code for "I want to keep you close so I don't really lose you and I can still have you when I am ready." "You were perfect." "I don't deserve you." "I'll love you till the day I die (of course after they broke my heart and I have gotten over them)." "Please give me another chance." Uggh. It all makes me sick to my stomach. I have an idea, how about someone figure out that what they have is good while they have it and just not screw it up.

1 comment:

  1. :( Sorry sister. Someone will... and they'll actually deserve you.
    Love you!
