Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I am sad and tired. I am tired of being broke. I am tired of being stressed out all the time. I am tired of feeling like a failure or like I am just barely making it. I am tired of having minimum wage jobs that treat me like crap. I am tired of busting my ass all day every day. I am tired of heartbreak. I am tired of being alone for years and then when I finally let someone in they treat me like an old shoe. I am tired of living with my parents (though I appreciate them and everything they have done and it has been a blessing that they have let me stay with them). I am tired of this numb feeling that comes from being unable to change the things in my life that make me unhappy. I am tired of telling myself that if I can just hang on, I will reap the blessing later. Truth is, part of me doesn't believe it. Or maybe most of me doesn't believe it. I am tired of secretly believing I am fighting for a lost cause: myself. I feel like I am never going to be smart or successful or happy or in love but I just keep trying my hardest to fool everyone around my into thinking I will be someday. I am tired of being afraid to try change my life cause I will only fail and that would be worse that what I have now. Maybe I am at that point where things are gonna get better right around the corner? Or maybe I am just too tired.


  1. I'm sorry you're so tired. I've been pretty tired of some things too. I hope things start to turn a corner for you soon ;-)

    Love you,

  2. That was the most depressing and painful thing I've ever read--- I'm grateful for your honesty- I just don't want you to feel that way or believe it in your deepest heart. I'm praying for you, and I certainly don't see you as a lost cause by any means- out of ashes rise beauty, and to the broken and lowly-in-heart the Lord comes. The Lord stands outside of time...remember that, so it's never too late for Him to accomplish what we've been crying out for.

    I think you are quite a force. And I DO believe that this year holds a handful of adventures and answers for you- this really is going to be your year. The darkest hour is before dawn, right?

    <3 Stink.
