Sunday, February 10, 2013

Boot Camp

I am starting to understand that law school works much like boot camp.  They push you to a point of pure exhaustion and then continue to push.  Last week, I reach a point to where my response to everything was just "bring it on."  I didn't care what they through at me.  I performed a client interview, a negotiation, prepared for a mock trial, worked 5 hours at my job and read hundreds of text book pages.  I did what I never expected to be able to do simply because I had no other choice.  That is not even including the personal struggles that I had to weather.  I thought of it as my own personal boot camp.  So the update is, that I am still succeeding in law school.

This week I have a mock trial.  I never anticipated participating in a mock trial but here I am getting ready for it.  And I will do it.  Hopefully, I will feel that i successfully completed the experience.  Either way, I'm doing it.  keep me in your thoughts and prayers.  Specifically, pray that my health can keep up with this pace.  Thank you for the support and love, it means the world to me right now!

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