Thursday, May 24, 2012

You May Say I'm a Dreamer

Do you ever feel like there is just not enough time or energy in this world to realize all your dreams?  Like you can only hold so many dreams before they all start to slip away from you and if you don’t accomplish the dreams you have, you will never know all the dreams inside you waiting to be realized.  I feel like my heart and my body are forever battling.  My heart wants to be free and live in a world of excitement and chance and forever dream catching.  My body belongs to a woman who has already lived out her dreams.  And my mind!  Oh my mind is like the evil stepmother in any fairy tale that wants to lock my heart away with all its dreams and hide the key, starving them both.  It is like deep inside I am an entirely different person that I want someone else to know but the truth is I barely know her myself. 

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