Thursday, May 24, 2012

I am looking forward to having my own space again.  I will enjoy being able to decorate it how I want it and make it my home.  These are some spaces I have fallen in love with for one reason or another.  I like clean simple space and I LOVE bookshelves.
 I just love this one.  I love the colors and the simplicity.  I would decorate the right wall that way but this is just so my style.
 I love these bookcases.  I also really like that chair.

 Oh I just love this room.  I hate the rug and I would put a different table in the window but I love it.  I could see my sisters and I spending a lot of time there.
More awesome bookcases.
This is just dreamy.  I don't think I will have the space to do this while in lawschool.  lol.

You May Say I'm a Dreamer

Do you ever feel like there is just not enough time or energy in this world to realize all your dreams?  Like you can only hold so many dreams before they all start to slip away from you and if you don’t accomplish the dreams you have, you will never know all the dreams inside you waiting to be realized.  I feel like my heart and my body are forever battling.  My heart wants to be free and live in a world of excitement and chance and forever dream catching.  My body belongs to a woman who has already lived out her dreams.  And my mind!  Oh my mind is like the evil stepmother in any fairy tale that wants to lock my heart away with all its dreams and hide the key, starving them both.  It is like deep inside I am an entirely different person that I want someone else to know but the truth is I barely know her myself. 

Friday, May 18, 2012


So I have officially started dating again.  Let me just tell you, I don’t really like dating.  It is kind of exhausting.  But my friends think it is time and I need to do it so here I am.  Of course being the extreme over-thinker (and over-sharer) that I am, I have had a lot of thoughts pop into my mind.

I went on a date the other day where someone remembered something I had said and it was a foreign feeling altogether.  I don’t know if people are just trying to pretend they listen at first but my ex-boyfriend never paid attention to a word I said.  It was a magical experience when he remembered something I had said and usually it wasn’t even really something I said but at least similar.  Truth be told, in four years he never once remembered my birthday.  I am not complaining, I am just noticing some qualities that I appreciate.  I don’t really talk a lot in a relationship, but I talk less when I don’t feel like I am being listened to. 

I know this is broad, but everything it means, I want.  There is nothing that will make me angrier or leave quicker than feeling like I am not respected.  If you are going to make assumptions about me because of my size, face, body, skin color, age, or anything else, walk away.  I don’t want to spend my life trying to earn anyone’s respect.  I may be doing a poor job of explaining but if I have a different opinion, I want someone who respects me enough to know that my opinion matters, I probably developed that opinion for a reason and maybe even listen to why I have that opinion.

I am not going to lie, someone that makes me laugh and we can keep the relationship light is one of the most important qualities.  I come from a family who survives because of laughter.  When I have a rough day at work, what I need is someone who I enjoy being with so much that I can let the day melt away.  This is something all my relationships have in common.  I want my partner to be my best friend.  This may be the most important quality for me.

I don’t care if you went to college or finished high school or if you have a doctorate.  I absolutely look for a man that cares about intelligent issues and is not so lazy that they won’t do the research.  Ignorance is not cute to me and if you want to stay that way, neither are you. 

My whole life is about caring for people.  My career goals, my reading list, and many activities I get involved in are all based on compassion and empathy.  If you don’t have those characteristics, if you don’t genuinely care about people, it just won’t work.

There is just nothing sexier.  A man who could be proud but chooses to be humble is truly one of the most attractive character traits in the world.

I cannot stand being lied to.  It is my biggest pet peave. 

Can't help it.  I just really like nice teeth and full lips.  I know it's vain but it's my list.

So there you go dad, I guess you can consider this the beginning of that list you have been asking for the last 15 years.  lol. 

Monday, May 14, 2012


Guess who's going to Maui?  I will give you a's me.  :)  I booked my tickets last week and I will be spending two peaceful and relaxing weeks on the beautiful island of Maui. 

My boss's daughter lives in a beautiful home on the island and will be in Japan and so I will be staying there while she is gone.  The airfare was paid with company miles and all it cost me was $7.50 for booking the ticket online.  I am so excited it is just crazy!  2 weeks of peace and quiet.  Just me and the beauty of nature. 

I will of course be working both weeks but I will still have plenty of time for soul searching and sun. I am so excited it is just crazy.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Life Through My Eyes

Photo credit:  Dancers Among Us.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Smart Thoughts

I stole this from the website in the corner.  She is hilarious and makes me laugh often.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Darean

  I think it is hilarious that on my ex-boyfriend's birthday, there is an anarchy demonstration.  It is like the ultimate birthday party for him. :)

Hip Hop Occupies Announces “Rise & Decolonize 2: May Day General Strike”

I want to make some clarifications (as best I can since I am not actually a part of what is going on today).

Below is what the May Day General Strike is all about.  This was not intended to be a viloent protest in any way.  However, Blac Block Anarchy involved itself in the peaceful demonstration and made it into something entirely different.  I just want people to understand what took place today.  There are worthy and important causes that the general public has turned a blind eye to (like economic inquality and institutionalized racism) and peaceful protesting is a part of this nation's history.  This demonstration was not created by or organized for the anarchist group that has stirred up violence and caused damage.  Please care enough to respect the difference.  These people are just wanting a change, just like most of us.

Hip Hop Occupies Announces “Rise & Decolonize 2: May Day General Strike”
Organizers create family-friendly, arts & culturally rooted space for May 1st protests
SEATTLE, April 26th, 2012 – In solidarity with International Worker’s Day and the Global General Strike, Hip Hop Occupies to Decolonize presents Rise & Decolonize 2, showcase and rally at Westlake Park. On Tuesday, May 1st from 9am to 4pm, artists, youth, families, and the broader Seattle community will take a day off and come out for music, live art, dance, cypher sessions, and more in the spirit of resistance & Hip Hop. “Rise & Decolonize 2” will feature a diverse, multi-generational showcase with over forty performers and speakers ages four and up, including special guest, internationally renowned poet and historian Walidah. A full list of performers and detailed schedule is available on the Hip Hop Occupies website.

Maria Guillen, organizer with Hip Hop Occupies says, “In times of decolonization, hip hop manifests as a collective voice and the spirit of self-determination. Just like Hip Hop and art transcends borders as a result of young people reclaiming streets and spaces, we celebrate building community outside oppressive systems. No longer will our creativity be crushed out of us. We are what we’ve been waiting for. May Day 2012... expect us.”

As Seattle gathers in creative resistance, we will remember the 1886 Haymarket Massacre in Chicago and acknowledge the legacies of the tens of thousands of people across the country who carried a three day general strike in support of the 8 hour work day on May 1, 1886. We will remember the Great American Boycott of 2006 where millions of im/migrant workers and economic refugees took to the streets to stand up against H.R. 4437, racist attacks against Im/migrants and all victims of economic violence across the globe. We will also remember and honor Trayvon Marvin, Rekia Boyd, Shaima Alawai, John T. Williams, and all those whose lives were lost to systemic and internalized white supremacy. Join us in remembrance of the past and creation of the future. Another world is possible.